When you arrive, park in the concrete spaces right in front of our entrance. If you have kids the check in will be immediately to your right. The men's restroom is on the right side of the lobby and the women's is on the left. The cafe is on the left. Please help yourself to the free coffee and doughnuts. Please sit wherever your are comfortable in the worship center and if you have any need of assistance an usher will be glad to help.
Sunday service times are 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.
4080 Pine Tree Dr. We are a 1/2 mile east of Canoe Creek Rd.
Please dress comfortably, we have a "come as you are" atmosphere.
Our kid's ministry is awesome and check in is easy. If you want to bring them into the service with you, no problem.
Next Steps Class
Our Next Step Classes happen every Sunday. We have the Connect, Grow, and Go class. Each class is specifically designed to help you know how you and your family can connect with God and Canoe Creek Christian Church to experience the spiritual growth you are looking for.
We will update once we have resumed our Classes.
By clicking the link you will be directed to the events page where you can get details about the next available class and register.
The Bible is God's word to us written by people who were relationally connected to God and moved by the Holy Spirit.
God is the creator and ruler of the universe. He is three in one, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the perfect being of unity and diversity.
Jesus is the Son of God and is the only way to connect with God the Father and salvation from a broken world.
People are made in the image of God, to be like Him in character. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all of us are affected by the influence of sin. It is impossible to live a sinless life even though we make it our aim.
God has sloved the problem of sin that seperates us from Him. His Son Jesus was a perfect sacrifice to address both, the justice and mercy of God. When believers place their faith Jesus by repentance, confession, and baptism they can enjoy a new and refreshed relationship with God.
Paul wrote that Just as Christ was dead, buried and rose again, we do the same in baptism and that we are called to live a new life learning how to please God.
For a full PDF version of our beliefs please click on the link provided.
Baptism is a clear design and command of God to anyone wanting to connect with Him. In Romans 6 Paul describes baptism as the mode for how faithful people are united with Jesus. Paul essentially says that we are united with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. We are dead in sins, buried in water, and raised in faith to new life.
The link below is a PDF document that can give you more information about baptism.